Start a conversation

Interpreting custom reports columns

Here is what each column in your custom reports represent: 

Column Description
Case ID Unique conversation ID (numeric)
Subject Subject
Brand ID ID of brand the conversation is created within
Brand Name Name of brand the conversation is created within
Requester ID Unique numeric ID of user who or on behalf of whom the conversation was created. 
Requester Name Full name of user who or on behalf of whom the conversation was created. 
Requester Email email address of user who or on behalf of whom the conversation was created. 
Organization ID Unique numeric ID of organization by whom the conversation was created. 
Organization Name Name of organization by whom the conversation was created. 
Agent ID Unique numeric ID of the agent user who is an assignee of the conversation
Agent Name Full name of the agent user who is an assignee of the conversation
Agent Email Email address of the agent user who is an assignee of the conversation
Team ID Unique numeric ID of the team conversation is assigned to
Team Name Name of the team conversation is assigned to
Status ID Unique numeric ID of the status conversation is in at the time of report generation
Status Name of the status conversation is in at the time of report generation
Priority ID Unique numeric ID of the priority conversation is in at the time of report generation
Priority Name of the priority conversation has at the time of report generation
Type ID Unique numeric ID of the type conversation is in at the time of report generation
Type Name of the type conversation belongs to at the time of report generation
Conversation Tags List of tags applied to conversation, comma-delimited
Channel Name of the channel conversation is initiated by
Satisfaction Status Indicator of the satisfaction survey status. 1 - unoffered, 2 - offered, 3 - received
Rating Satisfaction survey result. -1 - BAD, 0 - not received, 1 - GOOD
SLA Breached Boolean value - Conversation SLA (any) was breached: 1 - TRUE, 0 - FALSE
Post Count Number of posts in conversation
State 1 - not trashed, 0 - trashed.
First Contact Resolved Boolean value - Number of agent replies before conversation is marked as complete is 1. 1 - TRUE, 0 - FALSE
Was Reopened Boolean value - Conversation was reopened after it was completed: 1 - TRUE, 0 - FALSE
Reopen Count Number of times conversation was reopened from Completed status.
Last Reopen At Timestamp of the date when conversation was reopened. 
Agent Reply Count Number of public posts created by agent/owner/administrator users
Requester Reply Count Number of posts created by customer
Assignee Change Count Count of times conversation was re-assigned to another agent.
Team Change Count Count of times conversation was re-assigned to another team
Priority Update Count Count of times conversation's priority was updated
Priority Updated At Timestamp of the date when Priority of the conversation was last updated
Type Updated At Timestamp of the date when Type of the conversation was last updated
Status Updated At Timestamp of the date when Status of the conversation was last updated
Team Updated At Timestamp of the date when Team of the conversation was last updated
Sla Change Count Number of times the SLA plan was changed for the conversation
Resolution At Timestamp of the date when conversation was last put in Completed status
Resolution Calendar Time Sum of time to Complete the conversation (calendar hours)
Resolution Business Time Sum of time to Complete the conversation (business hours)
Resolution Level How many unique agents it took for the conversation to be resolved.
Replies To Resolution How many unique agent replies it took for the conversation to be resolved.
Agent Average Calendar Response Time Average of time between customer post and subsequent agent post (in calendar hours)
Agent Average Business Response Time Average of time between customer post and subsequent agent post (in business hours)
Agent First Post Created At Timestamp of the date when the first post created by Agent/Owner/Administrator/Collaborator user was added to conversation
Customer first post created at Timestamp of the date when the first post created by Customer user was added to conversation
Last post created at Timestamp of the date when last post was added to conversation
Agent Last Post Created At Timestamp of the date when the last post created by Agent/Owner/Administrator/Collaborator user was added to conversation
Customer Last Post Created At Timestamp of the date when the last post created by Customer user was added to conversation
Requester Last Post Created At Timestamp of the date when last post by original requester was added to conversation
Agent First Calendar Response Time Sum of time between conversation creation and first agent post in the conversation (calendar hours)
Agent Last Calendar Response Time Sum of time between last agent post in the conversation and previous Customer post date (calendar hours)
Agent First Business Response Time Sum of time between conversation creation and first agent post in the conversation (business hours)
Agent Last Business Response Time Sum of time between last agent post in the conversation and previous Customer post date (business hours)
First Assignment At Timestamp of the date when conversation was first assigned to an agent
Requester Updated At Timestamp of the date when conversation's requester was changed last. 
Created At Timestamp of the date the conversation was created
Updated At Timestamp of the date the conversation properties were updated last
Time spent Viewing Time the agents spent viewing the conversation (counted automatically)
Time spent Working Time recorded by the agents
Time Billed Time recorded by the agents and marked as billable. 
Requester (field name) Requester custom fields value
Organization (field name) Organization custom fields value
Conversation (field name) Conversation custom fields value
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  1. Ana Vukina

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