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A more intuitive look and feel for Kayako

Based on your feedback, we've updated look and feel of Kayako. But don't worry - the Kayako you know and love is faster, now even more intuitive and easier to use.

What's changed?

In your Kayako agent area, you'll notice: 

•  Updated look and feel of the Kayako product experience
•  Moved navigation to the left-hand side for easier accessibility
•  Moved Search to the right-hand side for a cleaner user perspective
•  Powered up Search with better contextual suggestions
•  Displayed your most pertinent customer information up front so you can focus on what really matters.

Want to learn more? Watch our overview video below.

Get started now - sign into your Kayako and let us know what  you think!

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  1. James Doman-Pipe

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
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