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Updates for the weeks of 2017-01-30 and 2017-02-06

Hello again! We update Kayako almost every day. Every two weeks, we'll summarize what's new, what changed and what we fixed in the Release Notes section.

New stuff

Start an advanced search quickly

We've revamped the New button in the tab bar. As part of this, we've made it easy to start an advanced search in just two clicks. 

More information about recent conversations

Rather than just show the name of the conversation, we're making it easier to see what active requests are open with your customers. 

We've restyled the Recent Conversations on user profiles to now show the statuses, dates, and show which agents in your team they've interacted with before - plus, a handy link to search for all their conversations. 

Fixes and improvements

  • Opening search results with CTRL/CMD + click no longer closes the search results
  • Improvements to the onboarding process, for Kayako trial accounts
  • Updated some error messages to be clearer and more concise
  • Fixed some line height issues, to make scanning a conversation much easier
  • Realigned some avatars and buttons to make things prettier

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  1. James Doman-Pipe

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
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