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Updates for the weeks of 2017-05-01 to 2017-05-29

Hello again! We update Kayako almost every day. Every few weeks, we'll summarize what's new, what's changed and what we fixed in the Release Notes section.

New stuff

Inline images

You can now drag-and-drop or upload images into your conversation replies, and insert them inline between text.

A picture speaks a thousand words - better answers, quicker solutions.

Two-factor Authentication

Agents can now enable 2FA from their login menu - and admins can now see who has (or hasn't) protected their account. 

Mark email as verified

Agents can now mark any customer email address as verified. 

Fixes and improvements

  • Improved the way attachments are displayed
  • Improved some UI elements throughout conversations, and added some transitional animation for a smooth experience
  • Fixed issue where Twitter replies would sometimes not match the option used by the customer
  • Fixed some alignment issues to line everything up
  • If a customer hasn't left any feedback, we won't show the 'Recent feedback' area on the sidebar
  • Fixed a bug for custom date fields 
  • Fixed a bug that showed incorrect values when an SLA is paused. 
  • Fixed a bug that ensures unnamed attachments work
  • Improved the message seen by agents when trying to open an attachment that is too big
  • Merged conversations will always select the oldest case as the primary case
  • Viewing Kayako on a mobile browser? You'll now see a banner that recommends using our mobile apps
  • Improved our font to show characters from Greek and the Cyrillic alphabets.
  • Improved the way we show tooltips
  • Added some small design details to the search UI 
  • Fixed a bug in Insights to show the correct brand and localized URLs
  • Fixed a bug that limited the maximum number of brands displayed
Choose files or drag and drop files
  1. James Doman-Pipe

  2. Posted
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