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Updates for the weeks of 2017-02-27 and 2017-03-06

Hello again! We update Kayako almost every day. Every two weeks, we'll summarize what's new, what changed and what we fixed in the Release Notes section.

New Stuff

Sent, Delivered, Seen

Your Kayako email just became even more helpful. Gone are the days of wondering whether or not your customer has seen your email yet, or if your message was even delivered in the first place.

Your Kayako now tells you the status of the replies your agents send to customers: whether it's been sent successfully, delivered to their inbox, bounced, or read. 

Learn more about post statuses here

Better display for small screens

We’ve also changed the way emails wrap within the conversation area. Now it’s much more responsive and wraps neatly within the width of your screen - no matter how big or small. 

Fixes and improvements

  • Fixed some bugs related to creating new conversations and opening existing ones
  • Fixed an issue relating to duplicate notifications in brand templates
  • Made some improvements to Advanced Search
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  1. Alicia Carney

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
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