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Updates for the weeks of 2017-08-14 and 2017-08-21

Hello again! We update Kayako almost every day. Every few weeks, we'll summarize what's new, what's changed and what we fixed in the Release Notes section.

This week we’re excited to share a handful of new features, improvements, and bug fixes.

Keep context front of mind with original emails readily at hand

Agents can now click the date of an inbound email to see a pop-up copy of the original message sent by the customer - without opening a new tab. This helps to ensure immediate context to the problem without a tangled game of telephone tag between the original query and the best reply. 

Keep your users and organizations organized

Filter lists of users and organizations based on the criteria that matter most to you. From tags to role types, to conversation permissions and more, Kayako users can stay organized and productive.

Instant send, now in your Kayako

Kayako now feels faster. Send messages from the reply box without a delay.


  • Added design elements to indicate when new messages appear on a conversation in real-time
  • Adjusted the default Kayako session time from 8 hours to 16 hours - and we’ll be releasing a ‘Remember me’ option in the next few weeks
  • Made some improvements to language localization
  • Added an authenticity check for enabled Twitter accounts before processing tweets


  • Fixed margins and general spacing between messages in a conversation
  • Fixed extra spacing when using dynamic fields in conversation macros
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  1. Alicia Carney

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
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