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Updates for the weeks of 2017-10-16 to 2017-11-06

Hello again! We update Kayako almost every day. Every few weeks, we'll summarize what's new, what's changed and what we fixed in the Release Notes section.

This week we’re excited to share a handful of new features, improvements, and bug fixes.

New features

Bulk update custom fields

It's even easier to make changes to custom fields for multiple conversations. Just select the conversations you want to update, change the custom fields value, and then click update.

Stay logged up for 30 days at a time

You can now choose 'remember me' when you log in to Kayako to stay logged in for 30 days.

Use custom fields for SLAs and automations

Custom fields are now even more useful. Automatically enroll a conversation in an SLA plan depending on its custom fields, and use automation actions to update custom fields too.

Change conversation brand

If you use multiple brands in your Kayako, you may need to change the brand that a conversation is assigned to. You can change the brand of a conversation by selecting 'Change brand' from the dropdown menu, and then choosing the correct brand. Find out more

Add user/org notes from conversations

You can now easily add notes to users and organizations whilst you're looking at a conversation. Keeping everyone up-to-date has never been more simple.

Bug fixes & improvements

  • Fixed a bug to ensure deleted teams don’t appear in automations

  • Fixed inconsistency in activity creation for Facebook in user timeline

  • Fixed bug where conversations were breaching SLA while in completed status

Choose files or drag and drop files
  1. Alicia Carney

  2. Posted
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