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Updates in the week of 2016-07-04

Welcome to the first update roundup for the new Kayako ( Kayako Classic release notes are available here). We update Kayako almost every day. Each week, we'll summarize what's new, what changed and what we fixed in this section.

New stuff

Fixes and other updates

  • Lots of Internet Explorer glitches fixed in the agent area
  • Fixed an issue where special characters in Help Center titles were being shown as HTML entities
  • Fixed an issue where some customers were prevented from updating a brand in the admin area
  • Fixed a problem where new case reply updates were not pushed to Zapier
  • Fixed a problem where cases that have breached an SLA target were not being pulled into case views with a 'SLA: Breached' criteria
  • ✉️ Improvements to email notification templates 
  • ✉️  Improvements to how we show loading indicators when updating a case
  • ⏳ DKIM now live for custom mail addresses added to Kayako ( learn more about configuring SPF and DKIM)
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  1. Jamie Edwards

  2. Posted
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