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Updates in the week of 2016-07-11

We update Kayako almost every day. Each week, we'll summarize what's new, what changed and what we fixed in this section.

New stuff

  • We have made switching from a rich text case reply mode to a plain text mode more graceful (e.g. going from an email reply to a Twitter DM) - we do our best to lay out your text and any links nicely
  • ⚡️   Kayako Messenger now loads from the Kayako content distribution network (CDN), where we host copies of the files loaded by your customer's web browser all around the world, and serve them their nearest copies so things load quicker
  • Improvements to the account management area (where you can manage your account, plans and billing)

Fixes and other updates

  • Fixed a problem where some user tag searches were returning no results
  • Fixed a problem where macros visible to 'just yourself' were searchable by other agents
  • Owner users can now update the role of other owner users
  • Trigger and monitor rules will now fail gracefully if a one of the criteria tries to reference a custom field that either has no value set for a case, or no longer exists. Before, Kayako would generate an error. Now, the erroneous criteria will simply return false
  • Fixed an encoding and decoding issue where some non-Latin characters sent from Outlook weren't displaying properly
  • Team members are now sorted alphabetically when managing teams in the admin area
  • Typography improvements in the agent area to make readability easier
  • Misc styling and cosmetic fixes in the agent area, including nicer 404 pages and further Internet Explorer fixes
  • Fixed a problem where the 'increase' priority action wasn't executing for monitor rules
  • Trashed cases are no longer including in insights
  • Fixed a problem where searching for 'in:users tag:hello' would return everything tagged with 'hello' in Kayako (even non-users)
  • Increased the default minimum password length for agents from 5 to 8 characters (enterprise plan customers can define custom password policies)
  • Fixes and improvements made to email message parsing
  • Security fixes (cross-site scripting security bugs in the Help Center)
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  1. Jamie Edwards

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
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