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Updates in the week of 2016-09-19

We update Kayako almost every day. Each week, we'll summarize what's new, what changed and what we fixed in this section.

New stuff

  • You can now search for file attachments by file name (such as in:cases attachment:"".)
  • You can now use placeholders in the email subject of email type endpoints.
  • Collaborator users are now able to access insights.
  • When opening cases set to the New status, Kayako will no longer automatically preselect the Open status. We are working on smarter ways to reduce the number of clicks your team have to make to reply to and change the status of a case at the same time.

Fixes and improvements

  • When hovering over relative time stamps (such as '6 hours ago') in case views, you'll see the exact date and time in a tooltip.
  • Full URLs will no longer be included in Help Center article previews in category and search listings (they had a tendency to consume all available space!)
  • Fixed a problem that prevented people from un-liking Help Center content.
  • If an automation  has been configured to change the team of a case, but a case is assigned to an agent who does not belong to that team, the automation will automatically unset the assignee of the case while changing the team.
  • Email address searches are no longer case sensitive (in:users
  • Email templates for notification emails to your customers will now automatically select the appropriate brand's email templates, rather than the default template.
  • Sped up how long it takes to load user profiles.
  • Fixed a problem where search would return no results when a query contained a non-Latin character.
  • Fixed a problem that prevented linking and re-authorizing Facebook pages when using a custom domain name.
  • Avatar changes now take effect immediately.
  • When replying to Facebook messages as an agent, your team will no longer be able to accidentally select an invalid Facebook page to reply from.
  • Fixed a problem which prevented SLA targets from being set on a case when the requester of a case is an agent user.
  • Various WYSWIYG editor improvements, including easier to access controls and improvements to the handling of pasted-in content.

Fixes and improvements (Kayako Messenger)

  • Messenger will no longer automatically scroll to the bottom of the conversation on every new message (this made it frustrating for people who were trying to read previously received messages by scrolling back.)
Choose files or drag and drop files
  1. Jamie Edwards

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
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