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Updates in the week of 2016-10-03

We update Kayako almost every day. Each week, we'll summarize what's new, what changed and what we fixed in this section.

New stuff

Fixes and improvements

  • Now when an agent responds to a case notification email, their reply will be sent by email to the requester as well as being added to the conversation timeline.
  • Even more performance improvements (specifically including first-time login, the loading of custom field values, general performance.)
  • Made email templates play nicer with Apple Mail.
  • Case forms are now safely deletable, even if they've been used on older cases.
  • Fixed a problem that prevented placeholders from being parsed when starting a new conversation from the agent area.
  • Fixed a problem that prevented Twitter and Facebook messages from reopening completed conversations when new replies came in over those channels.
  • Fixed a problem that prevent SLAs from matching cases based on their tags.
  • Fixed a problem where case monitor actions to add or remove tags from cases would not execute.
Choose files or drag and drop files
  1. Jamie Edwards

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
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