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Updates in the week of 2016-10-24

We update Kayako almost every day. Each week, we'll summarize what's new, what changed and what we fixed in this section.

Fixes and improvements

  • Previously, it was not possible to update cases set to the New status (you had to change the status of the case at the same time). Now, it is possible to update New cases.
  • You can now Esc out of image attachment previews in the agent area.
  • Fixed various issues with the rich text editor in the agent area when creating hyperlinks.
  • Fixed a problem that prevented bulk changing cases' team.
  • Fixed a problem where Internet Explorer 11 would insist on you double-clicking dropdown menus to open them.
  • Fixed a problem that prevented the case updated during business hours condition in case triggers from matching.
Choose files or drag and drop files
  1. Jamie Edwards

  2. Posted
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