Start a conversation

How your Kayako Classic data is migrated

All your tickets will be moved to the new Kayako as conversations, and assigned the same Ticket ID. You’ll be able to view your conversations in the Inbox view in the agent area. You can also search for any conversation from the agent or admin areas. Conversations will maintain their department and staff assignments as well as their properties and field values.
Learn about viewing and responding to conversations
Tickets status/priority/type/tags
Your ticket properties will all be migrated into the new Kayako as part of the conversation creation.
Custom fields
Your custom fields and their values will come over in the migration. In the new Kayako there are three types of custom fields: conversation fields, user fields, and organization fields. Custom fields will be converted according to their field group location in Kayako Classic:
  • User profile > User fields
  • User organization profile > Organization fields
  • Staff ticket creation > Conversation fields
  • User ticket submission > Conversation fields
  • Staff and end user ticket creation > Conversation fields
Learn about custom fields in the new Kayako
Each of your macros, their categories, and their visibility settings will be migrated. They’ll be available to your team when they’re viewing and replying to conversations.
Learn more about macros
The new platform doesn’t include an exact equivalent for ticket follow-ups, so they won’t be migrated. However, when you’re preparing to migrating your data, you’ll capture any tickets that have pending follow-ups so you can easily catch up with them after you migrate.  
Files and attachments
All your file attachments will come over in the migration. You’ll be able to access them from the relevant conversations.
Chat history/offline messages
Each chat transcript will come over as a conversation with ‘Messenger’ as the source channel. This will make it easy to identify which conversations were tickets and which were chat conversations.
Learn more about how chat works with the new Kayako Messenger
Canned responses
Each canned response will be added to the new Kayako as a macro, which your agents will be able to choose from, when replying to conversations. They are not available in Messenger yet, but it’s on its way.
Learn more about macros
Trashed conversations will be migrated into the ‘Trash’ view in the new Kayako. Your agents will be able to see this view from the agent area.
Staff users Each staff user will be migrated over as user in the agent role. All of their associated contact information, department affiliations, and user notes will be migrated with them.
Learn more about user accounts
Each department will be added to the new Kayako as a team. In addition, we’ll create a form for conversations submitted to that team. The form will include all of the fields used by your staff and customers when creating or updating the conversation.
Learn more about staff teams and forms
Views & Filters
Your filters and views will both be migrated over as views in the new Kayako. You’ll see a list of them as soon as you sign into the agent area.
Learn more about views
Customer users
Each end user will be added as a customer in the new Kayako. Their profile information will carry over as well, including their profile image, time zone, organizations, etc. Users with the ‘Manager’ role will retain those permissions, allowing them to view all the conversations belonging to their organization.
Learn more about user accounts
User organizations
User organizations will migrate directly into the new Kayako. You'll be able to view and edit organizations from the agent area.
Learn more about organizations
User groups
Although the new Kayako doesn’t have a direct equivalent to user groups, each user account will be tagged with the name of its Kayako Classic user group. That will allow you to build views and automations based on user group membership, if needed.
Knowledge base content
Your knowledge base articles will be migrated into a ‘Knowledge base’ category on the new Help Center. Each of your Kayako Classic categories will come over as sections beneath ‘Knowledge base’ and your articles will be grouped in those sections.
Before you migrate, we’ll walk you through how to plan a new organizational structure to use on the new Help Center. Any comments on your articles will be migrated as well.
Learn more about how to manage Help Center content
News content
News articles will also come over as Help Center articles. They’ll come over into their own ‘News’ category. Your Kayako Classic categories will be migrated over as sections. Any comments on your articles will be migrated as well. You’ll be able to manage your news content the same way you do your knowledge base articles.
Learn more about how to manage Help Center content
Email queues
Each of your email queues will be migrated into the new Kayako. You can manage them from admin section. As the new platform does not support POP3 or IMAP, you’ll need to forward any email address you use to your default support address, typically ‘support@[yourcompany]’.
Learn more about setting up email addresses in the new Kayako
Notification rules
Notification rules will not be migrated automatically. During the preparation for migrating your data, you’ll capture your notification rules and recreate them after the migration with the new automation features.
Email parser rules
Email parser rules will not be migrated automatically. During the preparation for migrating your data, you’ll capture your email parser rules and recreate them after the migration with the new automation features.
SLAs and escalations
SLA plans and escalations won’t be migrated automatically, nor will the SLA data for existing tickets. During the preparation for migrating your data, you’ll capture your SLA plans, schedules, and escalation rules and recreate them after the migration with the new automation features.
Workflows won’t be migrated automatically. During the preparation for migrating your data, you’ll capture your workflows and recreate them after the migration using macros or Kayako’s new automation features.
Learn more about creating macros and building workflows
Since Kayako Classic’s phrases won’t apply to the new Kayako, your language data won’t be migrated. However, the new multi-lingual tools are powerful, making it easy to enable and disable languages for your Kayako.
Learn more about localization
Template groups
Template groups will not be migrated. But if you're on the Growth or Enterprise plan you will be able to customize a Help Center, channel defaults, notifications, etc. for multiple brands
Learn more about brands
Custom reports
Since the new platform doesn’t use KQL, your custom reports won’t be migrated. You will have access to your team’s metrics, though, via the dashboards and custom reports in the Insights area.
Ticket watchers Ticket watchers won't be migrated to the new platform.
Ticket and chat ratings
Ticket and chat ratings won't be migrated to the new platform.
Time-tracking information won't be migrated to the new platform.
Audit, mail, merge, and call logs
Audit, mail, merge, and call logs won't be migrated to the new platform. 
Email and Visitor Bans Banned email addresses and visitors won't be migrated to the new platform.
Ticket drafts Tickets saved as 'draft' won't be migrated to the new platform.
Email signatures Email signatures won’t be migrated to the new platform.
Visitor rules Visitor rules won’t be migrated to the new platform.
Email loop rules Email loops won’t be migrated to the new platform.
Custom breaklines Custom breaklines won’t be migrated to the new platform.
Related ticket links Related ticket links won’t be migrated to the new platform.
Recurrences won’t be migrated to the new platform.
Troubleshooter content won’t be migrated to the new platform.
News and article subscriptions
Any subscriptions your users had for news or knowledge base articles won’t be migrated to the new platform.
GeoIP data
GeoIP data won’t be migrated to the new platform.
App data
Data from Kayako Classic and third-party apps won’t be migrated to the new platform.
Widgets won’t be migrated to the new platform.
Choose files or drag and drop files
  1. Kelly O'Brien

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
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