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Updates in the weeks of 2016-12-19 and 2016-12-26 ?

We update Kayako almost every day. Every two weeks, we'll summarize what's new, what changed and what we fixed in the Release Notes section.

Happy Holidays from Kayako

Here's our annual customer service themed greetings card, with best wishes from the Kayako team: 

What's new

Assign-to-me shortcut

Something we're focused on doing is helping your team do more in less time, so they can focus on having better, more valuable conversations with your customers. 

You'll now find a little Assign to me shortcut in the reply area of a conversation, so you can quickly put your name on a conversation while replying.

Easier to use team management 

We've reworked the team management interface to make it easier to read, use and manage team members.

Inbox conversations count badge ?

There's a new count badge on the conversations icon. 

This is the number of conversations that are in the Inbox view (i.e. the number of conversations that are open and assigned to you, assigned to your teams or unassigned), so you can keep an eye on what needs your attention.

Speed and performance improvements ⚡️

We're always working on making Kayako faster for your team and your customers. In the last two weeks, we've made big strides and have halves the time it takes for your team to perform common actions in the agent area.

Fixed and improvements

  • Kayako will automatically scroll you to the start of the latest message in a conversation (useful when you receive one of those epic 10-pagers!).
  • A pretty new login page for your team.
  • Trashed conversations will no longer appear in search results.
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  1. Jamie Edwards

  2. Posted
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